Cart Promotion for a Specific Product Variant [SKU]

In this tutorial, we will create a cart promotion available only for a specific product variant (SKU). Customers will receive a 20% discount on their whole order if they have raspberry ice cream (SKU) in the cart.

Cart Promotion 1

With cart discounts, you don't need to generate unique codes as the discount is applied automatically when the order matches the discount conditions.

Synchronize inventory with Voucherify.
Create a product variant of the product (SKU).
Launch an SKU-specific cart promotion.
Add SKU-based validation rules.
Notify customers about the promotion in your store.

STEP 1: Synchronize inventory with Voucherify

If you base the campaign on products or SKUs, you can upload those that will be discounted to Voucherify via API or Dashboard. If you don't want to upload particular products to Voucherify, you can build your campaigns using metadata.

Go to the Products tab and add a new product with a plus (+).

First, provide your product details:

  • Product name.
  • Source id (unique identifier used in your system).
  • Product price.
  • Product attribute (can be used in the next step to build SKUs).

Add Ice cream

Attributes are going to help you differentiate between product versions (SKUs). For example, by adding an attribute size to a t-shirt, you can create a t-shirt that comes in M and S size (two SKUs).

STEP 2: Create a product variant of the product (SKU)

The new product doesn't have any SKUs yet. You need to create a version of fruit ice cream – raspberry flavor. Click Create SKU to add a product variant. 

Create SKU

Only the SKU name is mandatory. The remaining fields may remain empty – they are going to have the same attributes as the main product.

The SKU creation is a three-step process – you need to provide SKU details, attributes, and metadata. Note that only SKU name is obligatory.

Adding SKU

Optionally define the SKU attribute and add metadata.

SKU attribute

Save to confirm your raspberry ice cream variant. For this use case, you can skip the product metadata section. Save the product after reviewing it in the summary step. 

Now, it's time to use the SKUs in a cart promotion. We will build a new cart promotion only for customers who have raspberry ice cream in their carts.

STEP 3: Launch an SKU-specific cart promotion

Go to the Campaigns tab, hit plus (+), and choose Promotion as the campaign type.

Cart Promotion

First, provide some general details on your campaign:

  • Promotion name.
  • Promotion start and end date.

Promotion details

Next, establish discount levels – in our example, we need to create only one promotion level.

Create level

If you create more than one promotion level, you can define the promotion tier hierarchy – which promotion should be applied if the customer is eligible for multiple promotion levels at once.

First, add the promotion tier name and banner that will be passed via API. Note that Voucherify does not manage the final look of your offer. 

Level details

Next, decide what type of discount you would like to use:

  • Amount discount (e.g., 15$ off).
  • Percentage discount (e.g., 10% off).
  • Unit discount (e.g., free lipstick).
  • Free shipping.

Choose 20% off with an upper discount limit of 150$.

Dicount value

STEP 4: Add SKU-based validation rules

Next, establish the discount eligibility criteria ( validation rules).

Build a new validation rule or select the one you've already created. The 20% discount will be available only for customers who decided to buy raspberry ice cream.

Use the Order rule and define that orders need to contain raspberry ice cream to be eligible for the promotion. 

Rules selection

Order SKU

You can introduce more granular rules to your campaigns with the advanced rules builder you can launch from this view. 
Use AND/OR operators to mix required rules.

Save the configuration. In the next step, you can define the tiers hierarchy – as we have one tier, we don't have to set up this section. Tiers hierarchy defines the order of applied discounts if the user is eligible for more than one tier at once. 

The last step is the summary of your campaign. Confirm the campaign by clicking Save.

STEP 5: Notify customers about the promotion in your store.

The only thing left is notifying customers about the promotion. You can use built-in Voucherify distribution mechanisms to inform customers about the promotion. You can also use web banners and checkout pop-ups to make sure that customers hear about your incentive.

Learn more about Voucherify distribution tools.

If a customer has a predefined SKU in the cart, s/he will automatically receive a -20% discount on the whole order.

Payment for SKU discount

You can easily model this flow in your store by connecting Voucherify with your platform via API. When both platforms are connected, Voucherify will automatically scan the cart and automatically call the validate promotion endpoint (if the cart matches the promotion criteria). Learn more in our developer docs